Indigenous Music Language and Performing Arts
The many forms of Australia’s Indigenous music and temporal arts have ancient roots, huge diversity and global reach. The Indigenous Music, Language and Performing Arts series aims to stimulate discussion and development of the fields of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music, language and performing arts, in both subject matter and approach, as well as looking beyond Australia to First Nations cultures around the world. Proposals are welcomed for studies of traditional and contemporary performing arts (including dance), popular music, art music, experimental and new media, and the importance of First Nations languages for culture and empowerment, as well as theoretical, analytical, interdisciplinary and practice-based research. Where relevant, print and ebook publications may be supplemented by online or audiovisual media.
Series Editor
Associate Professor Myfany Turpin (University of Sydney)
Editorial Board
Emeritus Professor Linda Barwick (University of Sydney)
Professor Clint Bracknell (University of Queensland)
Prof Tara Browner (University of California, Los Angeles)
Professor Aaron Corn (University of Melbourne)
Associate Professor Payi Linda Ford (Charles Darwin University)
Prof Jacqueline Shea Murphy (University of California, Riverside)
Associate Professor Sally Anne Treloyn (University of Melbourne)
Professor Jakelin Troy (University of Sydney)
Authors are invited to discuss potential titles for the series with the series editor.
To submit a proposal, please refer to our submission guidelines.